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  • Recognized Certificates
  • Renewal
Recognized Certificates

    • How do I know when my ID-Cert will expire?
    • An expiry notice will be sent to the subscriber by post before the ID-Cert expires.
    • How can I renew my Personal ID-Cert Class 1?
      1. You can submit your renewal application form online with the valid Personal ID-Cert Class 1.
      2. Three days after the completion of your online application, you can collect your new ID-Cert online with the valid Personal ID-Cert.
      3. Once you have completed the online collection process, the password (PIN mailer) for the new Personal ID-Cert Class 1 will be sent to you within one week by post.
    • How do I renew the Organization ID-Cert Class 2, Organization ID-Cert Class 5, Personal ID-Cert Class 8 and Organization ID-Cert Class 9?
    • We do not accept renewal application for Organization ID-Cert Class 2, Organization ID-Cert Class 5, Personal ID-Cert Class 8 and Organization ID-Cert Class 9. You have to apply for a new certificate following the stipulated application procedure.
    • How do I settle the application fee if the renewal of the ID-Cert is done online?
    • Online Payment

      Upon completion of the online renewal application, you can click the "Make Payment by credit card" button to settle the application fee online.

      Cheque Payment

      You can send the cheque payable to "DIGI-SIGN CERTIFICATION SERVICES LIMITED" with the renewal reference number marked on the back of the cheque to Digi-Sign's office.

      eCheque Payment

      You can email the e-Cheque payable to "DIGI-SIGN CERTIFICATION SERVICES LIMITED" with the renewal reference number marked in the "Remarks" field of the e-Cheque.

      Please email the e-Cheque to: hotline@dg-sign.com

    • How can I renew the Personal ID-Cert Class 1 if the Personal ID-Cert Class 1 is damaged or expired?
    • You can download the application form to apply for a new Personal ID-Cert Class 1.
    • How do I perform the online collection if the Personal ID-Cert Class 1 is damaged / expired?
    • Please contact Digi-sign at 2917 8833 for the arrangement of new ID-Cert and PIN mailer collection. You have to collect the new ID-Cert and PIN mailer at Digi-Sign's office in personal, so that Digi-Sign will conduct a face-to-face identification verification process.
    • What should I do if I do not receive the PIN mailer after seven days of my online collection of the new Personal ID-Cert Class 1?
    • Please call our hotline at 2917 8833 for assistance.